1·The agencies, looking backward at the accumulated data, continued to give their top rating to securities that were piling up risk as each week went by and the real estate markets started to wobble.
2·Since itis highly unlikely that 20-30% of the A-rated bondswill go bust, the rating agencies will give such securities the highest AAA appellation.
3·This may mean that we give an updated rating, based on our own knowledge of the issue.
4·Would you give Britain's prime minister, Gordon Brown a similar rating?
5·This leaves them conflicted, say critics, as they have an incentive to give the issuer-client the rating it wants so as to win repeat business.
6·And the bottom line on Wall Street is that if you can price a product and give it a risk rating, you can sell it.
7·One effect of the accord, for example, is to give credit-rating agencies an explicit role, particularly for less sophisticated Banks, in determining how much capital is enough to cover certain risks.
8·Usually a study participant would be asked to look at an image and then give it a rating based on how well he or she liked it.
9·America's civil engineers routinely give its transport structures poor marks, rating roads, rails and Bridges as deficient or functionally obsolete.
10·And I asked you to give yourself a percentage rating relative to the rest of the class, then if everybody was accurate, or at least not systematically biased, the number should add up to 50%.